Written By

Kristy Martino

Published On

Tuesday, Sep 24
Man doing tightrope walk and human hands holding the rope in a 80s retro collage vector illustration. Contemporary art concept for financial risk, work challenge and dangerous business.


Now more than ever, brands are at the mercy of political and societal issues. As they should be, considering they seek to acquire us as customers. They want us to buy what they’re selling. But such transactions are often more than just a dollar amount exchanged for a product. They can fulfill a feeling of belonging, provide entry into a meme-ified subculture or status structure, and so much more. 

All this to say: brands continually walk the tightrope between commerce and culture, across the media landscape. And the terrain of podcasting is particularly rich and complex. 

Advertisers and agencies alike have worked hard to understand and monetize the potential of this dynamic channel. The rate of consumption and engagement seems only to be increasing across all demographics while at the same time, brands are finding it more and more difficult to retain confidence in their message being delivered within a “safe” context. 

One reason being, the diversity of listenership is matched by the variety of shows, genres, hosts, and points of view—those of which span a wide spectrum of what may be deemed tolerable in terms of risk. This, of course, is part of the magic of podcasting. The freedom of expression that hosts wield is a key element of the attraction. Unfortunately, this can create problems for advertisers, as their reputation (and as an extension, their sales or profitability) could be seriously harmed. 

So how do we protect brand safety while taking advantage of the channel’s potency? 



Brand safety and the core values of your brand are of utmost importance to us and directly influence our strategy and recommendations. In order to truly understand and anticipate the needs of our clients, a fiercely collaborative and transparent relationship is paramount. From day one, we sit down with our clients and ask the right questions in order to discern not only their goals in terms of return, but how we can give voice to their brand, and how we can accurately tell the story of their product or service in an engaging way. 

In order to achieve such accuracy and measurable success, we must ensure that integrity is protected as well. Something that is not nearly as simple as tracking data points but just as necessary and certainly not impossible. Even amongst the diversity of expression within podcasting, we are able to create clear parameters—our own guardrails—that help maintain values alignment. For example, through long conversations with a cyber security client, we were able to draw firm boundaries around severing connections with any source(s) that intentionally spread false information or any that would, either directly or indirectly promote or incite violence.  

That may appear to be an obvious example of what a brand should avoid, but sometimes the edges of boundaries can be blurry. The act of listening, clarifying, and writing it down for all to agree upon and refer back to allows us to monitor with precision and remain nimble when (not if) issues arise.  



Here at SMI, we employ a diverse set of tools to help measure and optimize our campaigns. 

We utilize third party partners such as Podscribe and Magellan – which allows SMI to monitor reads and spend data to see where our clients’ competitors are running ads while flagging potential brand safety issues – and regularly check the content of hosts and influencers on various social media platforms. With the rise and expansion of artificial intelligence, we have a plethora of resources to help us aggregate a client’s on-air spots, track, and analyze reads. AI is also helpful in scoring specific shows, based on criteria such as the use of profanity, explicit content, and political or controversial topics, culminating in a convenient, at-a-glance risk assessment. All of this is a fantastic head start, but we view AI as a tool—not the endgame. Algorithms can be volatile and third party tools are limited and not always accurate. 


The true benefit to our clients is the foundation of SMI expertise enhancing these methods in real time.     


As our Podcast Strategist, Lisa Risk reiterated: “We use third party AI tools to help our team monitor brand safety across our podcast partners. But we don’t stop there. While those tools are able to give us an initial round of risk assessment, we also have team members with years of experience to round out our best show-level recommendations for our clients.”

Our seasoned Podcast Team utilizes all resources at their disposal, including their very human ones. With keen ears, we monitor shows, hosts, and reads; even scoring them ourselves in order to examine efficiency and intercept any errors (and then negotiate better bonus reads on your behalf). Our Onboarding Specialist provides guidance to show runners and hosts, reviewing Talking Points and mandatories, including communicating phrases to avoid during the read. 

A detailed onboarding process reduces the chance of inadvertently upsetting a client, while bolstering the overall quality of the read. 

Our Strategists and Buyers are active in industry events to ensure our position on the forefront of audio advertising remains rock solid. We use cutting-edge technology such as our proprietary operating system, and rely on nearly 25 years of expertise to help ensure your brand’s message is detached from potential or perceived controversy. 

Brand Safety has to be more than an afterthought. For us, it’s a priority. 



Most notably, (and perhaps obviously) it is the News genre that presents most opportunities for risk and yet, it is often highly performative in terms of delivering results. 

As marketers and creators, we are all familiar with situations in which risk is measured against reward, but as the airwaves become more and more saturated with a myriad of opinion based information and entertainment, we must also become familiar—and comfortable with—when to choose reputation over reward. 

But how?  

We return to the foundation of how we do business here at SMI: as collaborators who commit to a transparency that prioritizes your goals and your core values as a brand. We return to the conversations, strategies, and boundaries we’ve set together. We make our own guardrails. We hold ourselves accountable. 

That’s what a valuable and successful partnership means to us. 


Want to hear more about what it sounds like to partner with an agency that prioritizes your brand safety?