We’ve had great success working with a range of web-based companies—from major e-commerce marketers to start-up ventures—and helping them harness the customer acquisition capabilities of DR radio. We work closely with each client to overcome individual marketing challenges. And while every client has different goals and therefore different solutions, there are a few key factors that we’ve found to be effective in bridging the gap between online and offline advertising.
- Flexibility in creative approach. The messaging that drives the most leads in a digital banner ad doesn’t always have the same success on the radio. When there’s a visual component to an ad, customers have more time to look, read and process information. With radio, you’re relying solely on audio, and therefore have to sometimes think outside the box in terms of themes and creative approaches. Using humor and whimsy, for example, can be more effective in capturing listeners’ attention than it would be in a digital format.
- Consistency of message. When advertisers are utilizing multiple channels to execute a marketing plan, the offers and strategies don’t always align across channels, which can skew response and data. This is especially important to consider when driving to web from radio advertising. When a customer hears one offer on the radio and then sees a different offer on the website, we lose the potential data in the initial radio lead. Clarity and consistency is a key component when crossing the channels.
- Adjusting CPM goals. Target demos are broader with radio than online channels. We can target a demo but there will always be a cross-section of listeners outside of that core audience. Radio can reach and deliver clients’ targets with CPMs that range in the low single digits. The CPMs vary with national and local approaches. The frequency with national (network) media is much lower than the broadcast stations, yet both are very effective.
- Means of scaling. Opportunity for scaling your campaign comes with both national and local media outlets. Leaving local broadcast out of your plan because of a higher CPM is a mistake and you will miss significant opportunities to acquire new customers.
These are just a few of the things we’ve learned about merging online and offline advertising, and we continue to hone our craft with every campaign. We’d love to hear from you about challenges you’ve faced and effective solutions you’ve developed in your Direct Response strategies.