They Will Listen: The Staying Power of Radio

Written By

SMI Staff

Published On

Thursday, Jan 19

Radio once again proves that despite the latest streaming app, social media site or broadcast delivery, America is still hooked on radio! Why?  Numbers don’t lie, and the numbers just released by Nielsen make it clear:  “Radio, once again, is the nation’s top reach medium.”  Here are 5 reasons why.

1. Reach  

Nielsen has released the most comprehensive report yet, utilizing their new “Comparable Metrics.”  This new analytic  measures all media – TV, radio, connected TV devices, PCs, even smart phones – and compares their reach.  The report states that “AM/FM Radio reached over 90% of all adults in a given week in 3rd Quarter 2015 — and that percentage is the highest of all media and is consistent across all demos!” 

2. Efficiency

The data also showed that radio is far and away the most consistent performer, avoiding the fluctuation common to other channels.  But it gets better.  Google, no stranger to analytics, just released their own report that found the use of radio greatly increases search results

3. Retention

Although there is much to be learned in this field, most experts agree that radio promotes the sort of engagement with the listener that is highly beneficial to message retention.  For most, the radio is a source of relaxation, companionship, and a trusted source for information.  Simply put, radio is a great venue to have the sort of connection with you, offering the focus and attention to your message you just don’t find in other mediums.

4. Engagement 

With all the options out there, people still prefer live broadcasts over programmable playlists and pre-recorded content streaming.  This is evidenced almost where ever you go – dentists’ offices, gyms, worksites… Radios are a ubiquitous part of the American landscape.   And unlike these other mediums, radio allows better targeting of consumers and engages them in a way no other medium can.

5. Progressive

And radio is evolving with its audience.  One of the amazing data points to come out of these studies is that the radio audience is consistently resilient to graying.  We still grow up listening to the radio.  

At Strategic Media, we are certainly not surprised by the fresh data. 

To learn about the costs of radio advertising and how to get started, read this article.